bad english to say, to hope you

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Stévenot Gilbert
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Re: The use of french words in English,

Message par Stévenot Gilbert » 08 janvier 2008 11:26

JoeBAR a écrit : If you keep trying to drive hopeful English student out of this section, you'll end up talking to yourself, old man.
Hello JoeBar,

As I can see you are the spokeman of this topic,but also the fire raiser and the fire officer.I have not the slightest intention to drive student out of the section, but remember JoeBar you were the first to do it with Beat. It was the result of your impertinence.Don't pick a quarrel with me.
Maintenir une vie compliquée est un trop long chemin que pour se soustraire à  le changer.

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Message par JoeBAR » 08 janvier 2008 17:44

There was no need for your post, since there was no insolence in his. I have no need to be reminded of an error I made in the past and apologised for. Besides, I have an amical relationship with Beat since, you're the only one here who hold a grudge.
If you want a quarrel, take my jacket, and go play with it. Your accusations were uncalled for, PERIOD.

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Message par Fonck1 » 08 janvier 2008 18:33

Merci à  chacun d'user de tolérance les uns envers les autres.
Certes,cette section est en anglais,et utilisée à  ces fins,mais je ne tolérerais aucune dispute ou égocentrisme sur le niveau des uns et des autres.
Chacun a le niveau qu'il peut,ce forum est fait pour parler,discuter,éventuellement se bonifier ou s'améliorer,mais en aucun cas pour créer des échanges belliqueux.
Merci de respecter son prochain,et son niveau,aussi petit soit t-il.

Si ces disputes de bacs a sable continuent,je me verrais contraint de fermer purement et simplement ce topic.Voir la section.

Le respect,c'est la base d'un forum.Nous avons deja a assez a régler en français,pour avoir a le régler en anglais.
Au lieu de comparer ses niveaux,aidez ce qui ne savent pas certains terme à  les apprendre,ou à  les comprendre.

Je trouve ce que je viens de lire lamentable.

La modération.
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Message par Maheu » 11 janvier 2008 02:26

okaye ! so, although I can't speak very well english, I will be allowed to continue to talk with you (and so maybe to become better by speaking with you on those topics !) thank you everybody :wink:

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Message par boule » 11 janvier 2008 16:42

Maheu a écrit :okaye ! so, although I can't speak very well english, I will be allowed to continue to talk with you (and so maybe to become better by speaking with you on those topics !) thank you everybody :wink:
Hello maheu ! are you okay today ?

You said you d'ont speak well english but I should say that if you speak english as well as you write english then I say that you speak very good english since you writing is really perfect without any mistake.

Congratulations Maheu !! Since how many years are your learning english ?

And always pleased to meet you pn this forum.
All the best to you
"Celui qui cherche une femme belle, bonne et intelligente, n'en cherche pas une mais trois !!

Posteur de Bronze
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Message par Maheu » 11 janvier 2008 17:12

Hello Montibouli alias Jean :wink:

and thank you. well, when I am very carefully, I can manage to make no mistake, by using only words I know.
But I miss vocabulary and I have a few difficulties (like quite many franch people, I think) with the uses of past continue, past perfect and preterit.

I've been learning english during five years at school ; and I know each song of The Beatles (I love this music) and I sing it quite often, that's why I have now a not too bad accent.

But I'm afraid you will see Montibouli that I miss vocabulary.

But no matter, the most important is to communicate - and, if possible, to become (a little bit) better

All the best to you Montibouli, see you :wink:

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Message par boule » 11 janvier 2008 20:11

[quote="Maheu"]Hello Montibouli alias Jean :wink:

and thank you. well, when I am very carefully, I can manage to make no mistake, by using only words I know.
But I miss vocabulary and I have a few difficulties (like quite many franch people, I think) with the uses of past continue, past perfect and preterit.

I've been learning english during five years at school ; and I know each song of The Beatles (I love this music) and I sing it quite often, that's why I have now a not too bad accent.

But I'm afraid you will see Montibouli that I miss vocabulary.

But no matter, the most important is to communicate - and, if possible, to become (a little bit) better

Wonderfull Maheu

You said 5 years at school does this means that you dont learn english any more ?
As a matter of facts I also learned english at school 5 or 6 years I dont remember but after the BAC I went in the BERLITZ school and learned english for 2 further years having 4 hours a day with an english teacher who did'nt speak a word of french.

Dont worry you must learn by heart as much words you can and try to translate into english any story or for exemple you must translate into writing what you will do this week end.

For exemple let's know what is your job and your life , married ? have you got children ?

waiting for your reply
"Celui qui cherche une femme belle, bonne et intelligente, n'en cherche pas une mais trois !!

Posteur de Bronze
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Message par Maheu » 12 janvier 2008 01:53

Hello Montibouli

I'm a bit tired this evening, so I won't tell you today many things about my life, except that I have to buy tomorrow a new screen for my computer.

And then to work ! (I have to write an article for tomorrow evening !)

I live in Nantes (and you Montibouli ?)

Have a good night! :wink:

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Message par anakin » 17 janvier 2008 08:26

Hello Everybody,

The best way to practice english in France is to view movies in english. When I watch movie films on TV, I always watch them in english with no subtitles. I don't understand everything but I do unnderstand most of it.

Posteur Experimente
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Enregistré le : 06 décembre 2007 12:50
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Message par boule » 17 janvier 2008 20:12

anakin a écrit :Hello Everybody,

The best way to practice english in France is to view movies in english. When I watch movie films on TV, I always watch them in english with no subtitles. I don't understand everything but I do unnderstand most of it.
Yes Anakin you are 100% right watching movies and TV specialy the BBC World is really a very good way to learn a language specialy for the accent.

Good luck to you
bye for now and see you soon on this fofo .
"Celui qui cherche une femme belle, bonne et intelligente, n'en cherche pas une mais trois !!

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Message par anakin » 17 janvier 2008 20:56

Sorry, Montibouli but I prefer CNN.

I read News on the net from the New York Times' web site.


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