What is wrong with the French?

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What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

Haven't you noticed how they react & think politically? They seem to be submerged by socialism & swimming in a nostalgic bath filled with proud napoleonic liquid ! Little do they know that this is pushing them down the economic abyss they're sliding into.
Having analyzed this phenomenum, I've noticed that about economics they are absolutely ignorant.well..most of them! :(
Pushing my investigations further, I've been led to believe that this is due to their schools curriculum and to their teachers, overhelmingly "rosy" socialists. Having been so "forced-fed" from the cradle to the grave for a few centuries , even learned parents do not realise how brainwashed they are! :icon_hmm: One can only pass on the knowledge one has accumlated and bingo! Monolithic is the prevalent "rosy" trend!
It is amazing ! Even the ministers of what they call "the right" don't know where they are! I call them the "right of the left". :D
Say anything contrary to "la pensée unique" & automatically they frown their eyebrows and your are labelled at best a "fascist"!

Well..I simply wanted to shake the coconut tree & see what happens! See you later!
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par Fonck1 »

French are late sometimes,and sometimes they're right.
it's not them who slide the world in this instability,it's the big brother from USA. :cote:

the very interresting thing is : do you really know french like economy?
because it seems the world in generaly have the same problèms......and it's don't come from us....
We are ignorant,but we don't create the subprimes..... :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

Hello Fonck1 ! Nice of you for trying & answering in the language of Shakespeare! It is not easy I know! You would be surprised to know that i am not British nor Yankee! I am as French as you are! well..almost ! I was born in the Belgian Congo!
So, I am fully aware of what is going on in France as I am living in France! That gives me ..shall I say? The right to question the way this country is run!
First of all, your reaction is typical of the way the French react ! A visceral antiamericanism + of course the traditionnal boxing session with them Brits ! It is part of the intellectual folklore ! Having said that , I do not disagree with the subprimes :idea: argument.
Yes it is true the subprimes affected most of the "Anglosaxon" world for they were and stll are closely linked to the USA! Naturally their banks suffered the most and in a way ours had to face the consequences of their financial collapse.

Let us not have short memories! Things started getting very sour long before that upheaval! France was in deep problems, has been for years !! Strong measures had to be taken to address the situation, unpopular ones !!The ambiant socialism would not have shown any merci for whoever would dare face the facts & impose drastic measures!
Everybody knows that one can't spend more than one earns! The Social costs were too high for the economy. A donnkey cannot carry the same weight as an elephant ! But the frogs wanted to be reputed as being as big as bulls. :f_fr: So?? The wise men ruling France opted for borrowing ! The cicada kept on singing :siffle: and piled up the debts!!And then one day the interest got so high that all income tax disappeared in the interests abyss! ...That is the story ! As a child I had to learn by heart "La cigale et la fourmi" ..
"Dansez maintenant" is the last verse of this fable! Well!! ??? Quite a dance is not it? 8|
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par tisiphoné »

personally, I would say, the France has no more problem than the Belgium, for example if I dared :XD:
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Enregistré le : 02 mai 2006 16:22

Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par Fonck1 »

siyabonga a écrit :
First of all, your reaction is typical of the way the French react ! A visceral antiamericanism + of course the traditionnal boxing session with them Brits ! It is part of the intellectual folklore ! Having said that , I do not disagree with the subprimes :idea: argument.
I'm not a antiaméricanist.
and I live with a british woman.
I haven't problems with the folklore,just the conséquences of a lot of anglo-saxons dictature.

Of course,we need to have more attention on ours dépenses.
the différence we have,we don't necessite others to exists.
we have all.

Our system is ou system,with défaults and advantages.
Our protection system for example show that we haven't soi much unemployement than others countrys.

the only thing needs frenchs is a good kick ass to the lazy people who think they can live without worlk all their life.
the mondial economy is an another problems, complex.

I think the frenchs don't want to have the same salary than the chinese,and I can understand them.
We can live without others country.
We have all.

but in this new order world,I don't think,the big war arrive......
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

tisiphoné a écrit : personally, I would say, the France has no more problem than the Belgium, for example if I dared :XD:
I disagree with you ! With the Belgians you can dare anything, it doesn't matter! They are not fragile at all, you can laugh at them, you can tell jokes about them, you can ridicule their very democratic governmnt , you can do all that ! And ?? They don't care !! :cool:

Try doing this to a Frenchman , "l'étendard sanglant" will rise, he won't speak to you any more ! :icon_hangry:
They are so fragile..they bleed easily..hemophyle ?? :pleur4: sniff!
perhaps !
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

Ah! AH! .....There we are !..... Your wife is British!!... I can thus understand your "calm" response and some elements of lucidity!! Very good ! I can feel some weaknesses in the arguments due to the fact that your only souce of information must be , (I think!) the "good old "Télévision française" ) & nothing else! .
You are wrong in saying that "Our protection system for example show that we haven't soi much unemployement than others countrys."! That is the result of propaganda and nationalism! Lots of other countries have better records than France : Belgium, Holland, Germany etc .. but !! they did not increase their debt to create a false sense of wellbeing . He who borrows to look wealthier than his neighbours ends up with a pile of bills to pay ! Is not that where France stands today ?? cornered,? :(

Another thing you should learn is "never convert local salaries in €!! I wish I could be allowed to settle in China with an income of €1.000!! I'd be a millionnaire ! In South Africa where I have a house , if you earn € 2000 you can live like a king !
Why ? Less tax, less income tax, no "elephant government" ! That is the danger ! A heavy load of "fonctionnaires" kills a country!
You need "some" but as little as possible! ..Yes ! Your system is your system indeed!

There is a big difference since the €uro was established , France will have to adapt and live within its means or.. face the consequences !
A+ !
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par Fonck1 »

siyabonga a écrit : Ah! AH! .....There we are !..... Your wife is British!!... I can thus understand your "calm" response and some elements of lucidity!! Very good ! I can feel some weaknesses in the arguments due to the fact that your only souce of information must be , (I think!) the "good old "Télévision française" ) & nothing else! .
the france 5 channel and arte (germano-french) televisions are very goods.the private sector is craps.(TF1 M6 and others)
I like canal plus too.
all is not black or white.
the BBC channels are very goods,but it's tree time the price we pay in france.
You are wrong in saying that "Our protection system for example show that we haven't soi much unemployement than others countrys."! That is the result of propaganda and nationalism! Lots of other countries have better records than France : Belgium, Holland, Germany etc .. but !! they did not increase their debt to create a false sense of wellbeing . He who borrows to look wealthier than his neighbours ends up with a pile of bills to pay ! Is not that where France stands today ?? cornered,? :(
The debt of the france is not worst or better than others country:
France is not worst than others.(thanks to the right président sarkozy to increase of 600 billons of euro the french debt - who would the subprimes.....for french!)
The RU is worst than us for debt.

and we can compare who are de country who produce and where are the country who have un good debt and have a small production.It's will be probably easy for us to go out of that with a bit of work.
it's not the result of propaganda or nationalism.
we are like all country,we have a lot things to change,and a lot of things too keep....

Another thing you should learn is "never convert local salaries in €!! I wish I could be allowed to settle in China with an income of €1.000!! I'd be a millionnaire ! In South Africa where I have a house , if you earn € 2000 you can live like a king !
Why ? Less tax, less income tax, no "elephant government" ! That is the danger ! A heavy load of "fonctionnaires" kills a country!
You need "some" but as little as possible! ..Yes ! Your system is your system indeed!
yes all the countrys can have some people who are rich with 1000 thousand euro by month,and exploited like slave the two third of their country.
yes in france,we try to considered a bit the poor people.
I don't think china is a good exemple for me.

for the fonctionnaires,it's complicated,we need some in spécifics sectors,and we have too much in others.
but the reduction is 15 000 by years since 2000....
the probem is not the "fonctionnaires" but their management.
There is a big difference since the €uro was established , France will have to adapt and live within its means or.. face the consequences !
I think there a lot of parameters,world parameters,abd I think all of that is calculated.
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Enregistré le : 14 juin 2010 21:49

Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

Hello! You know Fonck, anyone can go surfing on the net & pick up whatever they need , the problem is when?, Dates must be checked in order to get the latest accurate figures ! I have also gone fishing & here is a glmpse of the infos I've managed to gather!

11 janv. 2012 ... La Belgique a pris des mesures efficaces pour réduire son déficit budgétaire en
2012, a estimé ce mercredi la Commission européenne
Belgique » Budget : L'objectif d'un déficit de 2,8% en 2012 maintenu
Déficit 2012 : le respect des engagements va nécessiter des ...
Le ministre de l'Economie, Pierre Moscovici, a estimé hier que « l'évolution spontanée » conduisait à 5 % de déficit...
Taux de chômage : Hollande & Autriche : 4.05%, Belgique :8.4%, France 9.3%

Those are the latest news ! Admittedly some conutries like Belgium are still loaded with their state deficit heavier than average !You see ? No "étendard sanglant "here!
What "matters" is the trend !! Over the past few years Belgium for instance has painfully reduced its debt, thanks to a policy of austerity applied during the recent past years ! Its present budget deficit is reduced to 2.8% as you can see, that is within inside the Maastricht regulation! The "trend " is thus following a virtuous path!

Let us look at France now: its debt has increased considerably over the past few years and its unemployment has gone sky-high!
You must agree that this trend must be corrected fast ! You are not within the 3% deficit required by the €U!
France has always thought "I'm a super power & I 'll do as I please"! It did indeed! Now, that game is over!! No more tolerated!
You cannot have the benefit of a strong currency -thanks to the "ants" - and expect them to allow you to keep on singing !
German are sick & tired of "dancers" , so is Holland & Finland , they are considering leaving the € zone ..Then ...!!
"The fertilizer will hit the fan" !! I'm sure you understand that very colourful expression !?
Get your house in order & stop whining !
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par Fonck1 »

siyabonga a écrit : Hello! You know Fonck, anyone can go surfing on the net & pick up whatever they need , the problem is when?, Dates must be checked in order to get the latest accurate figures ! I have also gone fishing & here is a glmpse of the infos I've managed to gather!

11 janv. 2012 ... La Belgique a pris des mesures efficaces pour réduire son déficit budgétaire en
2012, a estimé ce mercredi la Commission européenne
Belgique » Budget : L'objectif d'un déficit de 2,8% en 2012 maintenu
Déficit 2012 : le respect des engagements va nécessiter des ...
Le ministre de l'Economie, Pierre Moscovici, a estimé hier que « l'évolution spontanée » conduisait à 5 % de déficit...
Taux de chômage : Hollande & Autriche : 4.05%, Belgique :8.4%, France 9.3%

Those are the latest news ! Admittedly some conutries like Belgium are still loaded with their state deficit heavier than average !You see ? No "étendard sanglant "here!
What "matters" is the trend !! Over the past few years Belgium for instance has painfully reduced its debt, thanks to a policy of austerity applied during the recent past years ! Its present budget deficit is reduced to 2.8% as you can see, that is within inside the Maastricht regulation! The "trend " is thus following a virtuous path!

Let us look at France now: its debt has increased considerably over the past few years and its unemployment has gone sky-high!
You must agree that this trend must be corrected fast ! You are not within the 3% deficit required by the €U!
France has always thought "I'm a super power & I 'll do as I please"! It did indeed! Now, that game is over!! No more tolerated!
You cannot have the benefit of a strong currency -thanks to the "ants" - and expect them to allow you to keep on singing !
German are sick & tired of "dancers" , so is Holland & Finland , they are considering leaving the € zone ..Then ...!!
"The fertilizer will hit the fan" !! I'm sure you understand that very colourful expression !?
Get your house in order & stop whining !
I'am always suprise than the people can compare the gestion af a country who produce nothing,who have 5 millions of citizens,or one like the belgium who live on the money of the europe........and a country of 65 milloions of citizen,and biggest.
it's not the same thing,the same logistic.
if tomorrow,the germans leave euro-zone,germany wha the first touch : you know whe are their best "clients" to by theirs cars....and others bits.
the problèm in france is the decision,and the rapidity to change the things.
but sometimes,it's good to keep a politic stability.
I'm not very worried for the futur.
we are a big country and a great people.

you know : "impossible n'est pas français....."
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Enregistré le : 14 juin 2010 21:49

Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

Mr. Fonck ! I am pleased with the way you are answering ! Remember the title of this discussion?? "What is wrong with the French?
Your answer is exactly what I was expecting. It reveals admirably your weaknesses! :D
It demonstrates in black and white that I am not mistaken! Was there a need to be "insulting" and arrogant ? Showing so openly contempt for other nations, is not that a sign of megalomania ? :f_fr:
I did state that your government was too heavily loaded, you seem to be proud of that specifity! Had I perceibed a tiny bit of political and economical knowledge in your argumentations , then I would've felt compelled to agree that French Education, for instance, is the best "in the world" :shock: !
How unfortunate you are !! :( See the following articles & read them !! they are in French!

Où gagne-t-on le mieux sa vie en Europe?
Selon une étude d’Eurostat comparant les revenus dans les différents pays européens, ce sont les Britanniques qui ont les revenus les plus élevés du continent. Les Belges se hissent à la cinquième place du classement, entre les Danois et les Autrichiens.
Les salaires mensuels bruts moyens en Europe
Unité : euros Standard de pouvoir d'achat
Salaire moyen par mois, équivalent temps plein Salaire moyen par heure, équivalent temps plein
Royaume-Uni 3 118 17,75
Pays-Bas 3 007 21,29
Allemagne 2 980 21,63
Danemark 2 947 22,32
Belgique 2 784 21,83- near the top !
Autriche 2 736 18,55
Irlande 2 639 21,41
Suède 2 576 18,41
France 2 462 18,73 - below, far below Belgium !! :oops: :pleur4:
Union européenne 2 395 16,46
Finlande 2 364 17,22
Italie 2 344 17,39
Espagne 2 260 15,61
Grèce 2 161 15,14
Portugal 1 712 11,97
Pologne 1 320 9,22
Hongrie 1 213 8,17
Roumanie 880 5,71
Bulgarie 688 4,71

Le citoyen belge est un des champions européen en matière d’épargne. En 2008, le taux d’épargne des belges atteignait en effet 16.7%, alors que la moyenne européenne se situait à environ 11%. :idea:
• Alors qu’il est en progression depuis 2005, le taux d’épargne devrait encore augmenter cette année, compte tenu des craintes des consommateurs, notamment en matière d’emploi. Il dépassera alors la barre des 17%.
• Le flux d’épargne en 2008 représentait plus de 35 milliards d’euros. Cette épargne est consacrée à de l’investissement financier, ou immobilier via le remboursement d’un emprunt hypothécaire. Cette dernière voie semble privilégiée au cours des dernières années, et est probablement liée à la forte hausse des prix de l’immobilier etc..
Bad luck my friend !! and bye! bye! :hello:
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Enregistré le : 02 mai 2006 16:22

Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par Fonck1 »

siyabonga a écrit : Mr. Fonck ! I am pleased with the way you are answering ! Remember the title of this discussion?? "What is wrong with the French?
Your answer is exactly what I was expecting. It reveals admirably your weaknesses! :D
It demonstrates in black and white that I am not mistaken! Was there a need to be "insulting" and arrogant ? Showing so openly contempt for other nations, is not that a sign of megalomania ? :f_fr:
I did state that your government was too heavily loaded, you seem to be proud of that specifity! Had I perceibed a tiny bit of political and economical knowledge in your argumentations , then I would've felt compelled to agree that French Education, for instance, is the best "in the world" :shock: !
How unfortunate you are !! :( See the following articles & read them !! they are in French!

Où gagne-t-on le mieux sa vie en Europe?
Selon une étude d’Eurostat comparant les revenus dans les différents pays européens, ce sont les Britanniques qui ont les revenus les plus élevés du continent. Les Belges se hissent à la cinquième place du classement, entre les Danois et les Autrichiens.
Les salaires mensuels bruts moyens en Europe
Unité : euros Standard de pouvoir d'achat
Salaire moyen par mois, équivalent temps plein Salaire moyen par heure, équivalent temps plein
Royaume-Uni 3 118 17,75
Pays-Bas 3 007 21,29
Allemagne 2 980 21,63
Danemark 2 947 22,32
Belgique 2 784 21,83- near the top !
Autriche 2 736 18,55
Irlande 2 639 21,41
Suède 2 576 18,41
France 2 462 18,73 - below, far below Belgium !! :oops: :pleur4:
Union européenne 2 395 16,46
Finlande 2 364 17,22
Italie 2 344 17,39
Espagne 2 260 15,61
Grèce 2 161 15,14
Portugal 1 712 11,97
Pologne 1 320 9,22
Hongrie 1 213 8,17
Roumanie 880 5,71
Bulgarie 688 4,71

Le citoyen belge est un des champions européen en matière d’épargne. En 2008, le taux d’épargne des belges atteignait en effet 16.7%, alors que la moyenne européenne se situait à environ 11%. :idea:
• Alors qu’il est en progression depuis 2005, le taux d’épargne devrait encore augmenter cette année, compte tenu des craintes des consommateurs, notamment en matière d’emploi. Il dépassera alors la barre des 17%.
• Le flux d’épargne en 2008 représentait plus de 35 milliards d’euros. Cette épargne est consacrée à de l’investissement financier, ou immobilier via le remboursement d’un emprunt hypothécaire. Cette dernière voie semble privilégiée au cours des dernières années, et est probablement liée à la forte hausse des prix de l’immobilier etc..
Bad luck my friend !! and bye! bye! :hello:
don't insult the poor french I m ! please !
you have the right to prefer que money thant the quality of life.
I prefer live in france than UK ou belgian,sorry.
i'ts very difficult to explains things in english.

We are in the middle of the compétition,not so bad,I prefer seing the glass middle full than middle empty.
and we have a better life if we are fired of the job.
we have a better life in generaly.
we pay it and accept it.
after,the things regulate themselves.

go in england,it's not better than france for many reasons.in belgian too.
the france is so the worth country in europe than all strangers invest money in it !
I know a lot of english or american who live there for the quality of life.
Le taux d'épargne des Français a augmenté en 2011 à 16,8%, son plus haut niveau depuis 1983, selon les chiffres détaillés de la croissance l'an dernier, confirmée elle à 1,7%, publiés mercredi par l'Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (Insee).
not so bad too? the same things than others?

it seems than the new french governement (who come from left) continue to reduce de costs....they said today they continue to do it.
we don't change a country like france in 2 minutes.....

whats the problem,you want change the france.?
i like it like that.

I'm realy happy with my place and my country.it's better than more others countrys.problably you're country too.... :XD:
We have room for manoeuvre....it's not booring institut who can définite how french need ton manage their country.
whe have money.....french have a lot of money in bank......
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« Ainsi s'éteint la liberté, sous une pluie d'applaudissements. » Star Wars, épisode III
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Enregistré le : 14 juin 2010 21:49

Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

This is stated on the internet:
Contrairement à la France, la zone euro est en excédent commercial Les données d’Eurostat révèlent qu’en février 2012, la zone euro a affiché un excédent du commerce extérieur de 2,8 milliards d’euros. La France, elle, accuse un déficit commercial pour la même période. :idea:

Source : http://www.euractiv.fr/contrairement-fr ... al-article
Copyright © EurActiv.fr

So, you see Belgium does not need any money, we are not assisted by other nations but we do assist nations showing a deficit !! ::d

So, not to upset you, I won't mention the country concerned , you might bleed !! :hehe:

It is uselless to carry on this conversation since you 're happy with the state of France , economics is of no interest for you. All you want is to pretend you're the best ! Ok! You are the best ! Happy?? Me too. Good luck !!
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Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par tisiphoné »

boring !!! :roll: :XD: :content85 :content85 :content85
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Enregistré le : 14 juin 2010 21:49

Re: What is wrong with the French?

Message par siyabonga »

tisiphoné a écrit : boring !!! :roll: :XD: :content85 :content85 :content85

I know !Soccer is far more interesting !! Isn't it just ??

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