Hello Maheu pleased to meet you on the english forum talks.
You are welcome ! It's a mess that no many foromeurs coming on this item.
By the way you said you are from Nantes (Loire Atlantique) and you'll senpd your Xmax holidays in Normandie . Can you tell us if Mow or high NORMANDIE ?
I have senpt somme 15 days holidays two years ago in the COTENTIN near Grandville and I should say there have been almost the most beautifulls I ever had.
Very nice towns and very nice peoples also good food specially the salted sheep
I wish you have nice holidays with your parents and enjoy your short stay up there. Be carefull dont drink too much calvados alghouth it's a nice drink.
Bye Bye
I take the opportunity of this message to send a friendly kiss to Louise and I cross my fingers for her examinations and master.
All the best to you both and till next messages
Louisa a écrit :
Hi Beat, thanks ! well I am OK, I have nearly finish my semester, and I will be on holidays at the end of the next week ! so I feel great !
and you how are you !
I am very well, Louisa but as of tomorrow, it is the routine of work which begin again. This evening I am not very motivated, and you?
Dans votre ascension professionnelle, soyez toujours très gentil pour ceux que vous dépassez en montant. Vous les retrouverez au même endroit en redescendant.
Beat a écrit :
I am very well, Louisa but as of tomorrow, it is the routine of work which begin again. This evening I am not very motivated, and you?
well I am dreaming to have some routine in my life. but it is not the case. this evening I am no more motivate that you are. I should work for my examination in English but I don't really like it. tomorrow will be better. It is may be the winter weather that just arrived in Nantes that turn me not really in a good mood. we all have our little periode of spleen.
montibouli a écrit :Hello Maheu pleased to meet you on the english forum talks.
You are welcome ! It's a mess that no many foromeurs coming on this item.
By the way you said you are from Nantes (Loire Atlantique) and you'll senpd your Xmax holidays in Normandie . Can you tell us if Mow or high NORMANDIE ?
I have senpt somme 15 days holidays two years ago in the COTENTIN near Grandville and I should say there have been almost the most beautifulls I ever had.
Very nice towns and very nice peoples also good food specially the salted sheep
I wish you have nice holidays with your parents and enjoy your short stay up there. Be carefull dont drink too much calvados alghouth it's a nice drink.
Bye Bye
I take the opportunity of this message to send a friendly kiss to Louise and I cross my fingers for her examinations and master.
All the best to you both and till next messages
Thak you à‚çMontibouli
it's very nice from to you.
I hope my holiday will be fine, yes.
see you !
montibouli a écrit :Hello Louisa,
Thanks a lot for your reply of this morning 2:31 am . Are'nt you to bed at that time ? or are you working during night ?
Yes i used a lot the english writing in my former job which was shipping busines and all contracts were in english even when dealing with french companies.
As a matter of fact the english is and will, in the next coming years be the only international language which you can talk any where you travel.
I hope my son and my daughter will also speak fluent english and spanish as I - it's very helpfull when traveling but i am quite disapointed when i see that they are learning more american than english and i am quite fighting with their teachers in this particular point.
Well Louisa if you wish to have talks on special themas let's start and it will be nice for you and me as well as others to improuve.
Have a ice day and hope to read you again on this forum.
Hello montibouli,glad to meet you,
Your English is almost perfect and you are a good teacher for Louisa and others, and I am pleased to strike up an acquaintance with you and our new students on this forum.
My first question to you, dear friend, will be the following. Can you tell me the difference between the American and the English language ? I know they have a different accent, but for the rest, as far as I know, they use the same words, they read letter writers of either side of the Atlantic. As you know well, the Americans learned their English language during British administration.
You said to Louisa have an ice(d) day, and the weather is freezing cold.A cold shower for her ! Just a keying error, indeed. I like to joke sometime. Friendly yours.
Maintenir une vie compliquée est un trop long chemin que pour se soustraire à le changer.
Hello Gilbert, nice to read your repply You are welcome !
You are right I made some keying mistakes since I am writting quite fast and never read my messages B4 sending which i should do in the future.
Thanks for your congratulations but since I do not practice english for several years now I'hve lost a lot of vocabulary and this forum will help me to practice english again.
As regarding your question about english and american i agrre with you that nearly 99,99% of the américan words are english but some are completly differents as for exemple:
escalator / Lift - metro / underground and many others which I dont have in mind on the spot.
Furthermore I hate the american accent and I find the english accent from england much more nice to ear and easier to understand.
D'ont you think the american seems to speak whith an hot potatoes in the mouth ?
It's now up to me to congratulate your fluent english too but this seem quite easy for a Belgian man since in your country nearly 80% of the people do speak Two or three languages.
All the best and pleased to meet yu again.
Best regards
Louisa a écrit :i can do it ! slowly and french accent of course.
No problem about the accent, Laura, as long as you are understood !
Some years ago I was paying for fuel at a station in north Texas, when I noticed that the clerk was exhausted. Seeing his face turning red, I said " Rough day "
Nothing has been going right, this day, and to top it off, one guy just came asking directions, and didn't speak a word of correct English.
What nationality was he, I asked.
Oh, " I had no idea first, but I think he was British.....
Maintenir une vie compliquée est un trop long chemin que pour se soustraire à le changer.
Stévenot Gilbert a écrit :
No problem about the accent, Laura, as long as you are understood !
well it is a good side of "speaking" on forums : no problem with accent ! (but for me, it mays be a pity : my accent is not so bad, but I miss much vocable to be able to speak good english...)
If I do too many faults, you can of course say it to me if you want !
well it is a good side of "speaking" on forums : no problem with accent ! (but for me, it mays be a pity : my accent is not so bad, but I miss much vocable to be able to speak good english...)
If I do too many faults, you can of course say it to me if you want ! [
"If I make too many mistakes, you can say to me, of couse,Why not !
" Well it is a good site to learn on this forum.: no problem with the accent, but for me it may be a pity: my accent is not so bad, but I have to enlarge my vocabulary, to be able to speak English perfectly. "
Your English is not bad at all. The accent is not very important as long as your pronouciation is correct.Tle main thing is to be understood.
Maintenir une vie compliquée est un trop long chemin que pour se soustraire à le changer.
When you find the night has seen your mind , let me stand to show that you are blind , please put down your hands , because i see you .
i'll be your mirror .
i have to speak English every day because i work for an American company based in A'dam. I work with Dutch, English, American, Spanish, Italian, French...people and the working language is English. I am really often mixing Dutch en English, especially when using simple words such as 4 ( i say vier instead of four). I am not used to write it anymore but i am ok with the spoken language. In Holland , we have nothing but films in original version so that helps too.I am also a big fan of politics on bbc.
"Quand le dernier arbre aura été abattu - Quand la dernière rivière aura été empoisonnée - Quand le dernier poisson aura été péché - Alors on saura que l'argent ne se mange pas." Geronimo