it's because belguim cost us a lot of money than we have this very very small deficitsiyabonga a écrit : This is stated on the internet:
Contrairement à la France, la zone euro est en excédent commercial Les données d’Eurostat révèlent qu’en février 2012, la zone euro a affiché un excédent du commerce extérieur de 2,8 milliards d’euros. La France, elle, accuse un déficit commercial pour la même période.
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So, you see Belgium does not need any money, we are not assisted by other nations but we do assist nations showing a deficit !!
So, not to upset you, I won't mention the country concerned , you might bleed !!
It is uselless to carry on this conversation since you 're happy with the state of France , economics is of no interest for you. All you want is to pretend you're the best ! Ok! You are the best ! Happy?? Me too. Good luck !!
come on to speack in the french section,it will be probably différent,my english is too poor.....